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There's treasure trapped in your organization. Treasures in the form of (1) energy usage and raw materials efficiencies, (2) customer value process improvements, and 3) enhancing human potential. These three spheres comprise the 'triple bottom line' (3BL), a model for sustainable development that will improve your organization's economic bottom line .

That's the focus of the Sustainable Quality Awards (SQA) who, in June of this year, will be hosting its annual Sustainable Quality Awards banquet to celebrate organizational successes relating to sustainable innovation and efficiency.

What is the Sustainable Quality Awards Program?

The Sustainable Quality Awards Program is a project of the Sustainable Quality Awards It is designed to highlight excellence and promote collaboration between organizations and institutions in our local Monterey Bay communities. The alliance itself consists of relationships and solutions to help businesses align with issues around sustainable development. It recognizes practices and groups including The Natural Step , Global Futures, sponsors of The Future 500 , The President's Council for Sustainable Development , to name a few, who understand that concepts of sustainability are necessary for short-term success and long-term viability.

Do we really need to consider adjusting our business practices?

A recent consensus report released by the Union of Concerned Scientists entitled "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity" describes key categories of global concern. Issues that have been agreed upon by 1,600 prominent scientists as critical to the stability of our planet.

Businesses can, and indeed must begin to identify with these issues and begin to see themselves as both part of the problem and as a primary source for solutions. This report, and others like the Kyoto Climate Change Treaty , and the Agenda 21 programs , suggest that humans are being confronted with problems that can no longer be overlooked. Sooner or later businesses will have to align with sustainable development in order to ensure long-term success for their organizations and a livable quality of life on the planet.

Sustainability is about solutions.

Sustainable development means thinking systemically about how we do business. SQA supports organizations that are willing to map new direction and vision within their organizations. They are honored and recognized for their choice to think differently.

SQA is continuously searching for individuals, groups, and organizations (not just businesses) that want to respond to the increasing momentum toward sustainability. Today, literally hundreds of organizations worldwide have made a bold commitment to the principles and practices of sustainable quality, focusing on resolving the conflicting demands of the 3 spheres which include economic progress, environmental stewardship, and social equity.

Who's Doing it?

A wide range of organizations are incorporating sustainable development to realign the mission of their businesses: From local organizations who have received SQA awards (see list below) to multi-billion dollar corporations such as Mitsubishi Electric , Kodak , Interface Flooring , Electrolux , and Nike . They are seeing the need for a change in the way they do business and are pioneering methods and tools for implementing sustainable development.

Thinking systemically

Mitsubishi Electric


Interface Flooring



Join these organizations and local SQA award recipients including: Santa Cruz Seaside Company, Plantronics, Odwalla, New Leaf Community Markets, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping, Gateway School, True Color Fabric, Grey Bears, County Office of Education, Community Credit Union, Swanton Pacific Ranch, Plactory, in the move to build a more sustainable world.

How do I get my organization involved?

The Sustainable Quality Awards encourages organizations of the Monterey and Santa Cruz counties to join in the shift toward sustainability. Learn how to involve your organization in improved innovation and efficiency techniques by getting involved now. Commit your organization to sustainable development.


Copyright © 1994-2006 Sustainable Quality Awards
Last modified: Jan. 22, 2006